How To Get More Views On Youtube?

Do you use Youtube to promote your business, and want to get more hits on Youtube? Or, maybe it’s a hobby for you, and you want to expand your amateur standing. Either way, there are several things you can do to drive viewers to your Youtube videos. Watch out though because there are a lot of programs out there that can get your YouTube account banned if you use them. After reading this article I promise you will have a better understanding of how to get more views on YouTube.

Hit the Youtube Home Page

You probably want to get more hits on Youtube and make the home page. There are several different categories of home page honors. You can go for membership in the top favorites, top views, top comments, and rating categories. Usually, if you get one million views, you’ll make the home page (depending on the niche), but there are some things you can do to help get those views. Use your marketing skills to target one particular category with your video. Then, carefully consider the category to which you are going to submit. If you create a good channel and focus on one category, you’ll soon start earning honors. Creating a channel with its own customer base also gives you a chance to pick up subscribers, and once you have those email addresses, you can send out emails.

You probably want to get more hits on Youtube and make the home page. There are several different categories of home page honors. You can go for membership in the top favorites, top views, top comments, and rating categories. Usually, if you get one million views, you’ll make the home page (depending on the niche), but there are some things you can do to help get those views. Use your marketing skills to target one particular category with your video. Then, carefully consider the category to which you are going to submit. If you create a good channel and focus on one category, you’ll soon start earning honors. Creating a channel with its own customer base also gives you a chance to pick up subscribers, and once you have those email addresses, you can send out emails.

Learn How To Get More Views on YouTube & Dominate

Build a Strong Youtube Profile

So, start at the basics; set up your Youtube account with a full, authoritative profile, and you’ll get more views on Youtube. You don’t want your profile to be an “orphan”, so go into the process of formatting a healthy account full of friends and subscribers. When you go in with a power profile, you’ll have more creditability with potential viewers, and Youtube main office won’t worry about your origins.

Use Keywords

You probably know what keywords are, but do you know how to get more hits on Youtube with keywords? Any time you type words into search fields, you’re typing keywords. So, the best thing to do is figure out several combinations of words that your target audience would type in. You can even find websites that offer free keyword searches for you, to find out what the most popular keywords are for your subject. If the video is related to your business, and you make your living on the subject, you need updated lists of keywords, anyway (we use the Google Keyword Tool). Once you have a list of popular or common keywords, choose one to put in your title. Placing the keyword in the title immediately lets people know that they are in the right place, and you’ll get more hits on Youtube.

Now, on your Youtube description, you probably know that only about the first sentence and a half will show up. To get more hits on Youtube, write a naturally flowing sentence that contains the keywords in the title. Be sure to get the keyword or key phrase in the first 60 characters. Then list the same keyword first in your tag line. In this way, you’ll optimize your title and description for Youtube. (Hint keywords closer to the start of the sentence work best)

Utilize Your URL

Once you have chosen the best keyword for your title and description, you can get more views on Youtube by adding your URL at the beginning of the description. When your URL is available, you are much more likely to get visitors to your site.

Post Youtube Video Responses

To get more hits on Youtube, post video responses. Surf Youtube to find other videos for the same subject area as yours. For instance, when you type in the keywords you used in the title of your video, what other videos are listed? Watch those videos, because not only will you learn about the competition, you can leave informed comments. And, post a video response. When you do this, you’ll benefit from the traffic the other video generates.

You are basically riding piggyback by making your video available to people who have shown interest in that subject. A word of caution, here. Your video response should be related to the subject of the response. Anything else is spam, and will not be well received. If you’re serious about your subject matter, you’ll take care of your video and post it in relevant contexts. If the viewership of the other person’s video likes yours, you get more hits on Youtube and more subscriptions to your video channel.

Create Youtube Playlists

You can really get more hits on Youtube if you create playlists. When you search videos on your topic on which to place your video response, choose 3 or 4 to make a playlist. Include your own video, with the URL, and title it with good keywords.

Calls to Action

A good call to action will help you get more hits on Youtube. A call to action is simply a link that allows someone to sign up for your services. It can be a simple phrase, such as:

  • Visit my site for more terrific videos.
  • Please rate this video.
  • Subscribe to my videos.

These calls to action can be highlighted with a text box or some other visual effect to catch the eye. You can overlay your call to action onto your video so that it won’t be missed. A call to action will help monetize your site and your videos.

Just Make the Youtube Video

You may have noticed that the filming on the vast majority of Youtube videos is not that great. That’s because it is an amateur forum. So, don’t worry about having the best lighting, the best sound quality, the best video. In fact, if it’s really polished, people may be a little suspicious of it. Just worry about having the best message.

  • Who is interested in this video? This means finding your target audience, and marketing it to that group. If you own a plumbing warehouse, and have made a video of your political opinions, you don’t want to try to market it to your political video to the contractors with whom you do business. This type of thing would be more appropriate presented on a forum somewhere. Don’t email and tweet the link to this type of video to your plumbing customers.
  • Demonstrate your product. It’s always a good idea to practice a few times, though! For instance, if you make jewelry, have several items to show in the video. You also need examples of each step of the process. Don’t be afraid to give out information, because you’re the expert. You already know how to do this, and they are just learning.
  • Be honest. If you really don’t know much about the subject, why are you making the video? Talk about and demonstrate your strengths. You don’t have to worry about being a slick salesperson, just know what you’re doing, and it will come across.

Not Just a Commercial

Just be sure that you are not making a commercial. Your video must have something to say to Youtube viewers. It’s a community—actually, several communities of viewers. A community of over 20 million viewers. And, it doesn’t cost you anything to post your video. It helps if you can think of a twist or something funny you can add to your videos. Here are some different categories to consider:

  • Informational: This is a history type of video, telling about our company and how you got into business. Include some free insight into the business, so that the viewer comes away with something they can use, too.
  • Educational: How to videos may be your niche. Approximately 80% of adults are visual learners, so when they get ready to learn how to do something, they want someone to show them how to do it.
  • Entertainment: The “Numa Numa” song comes to mind, here. But there are many examples on Youtube of people who have come up with entertaining videos, often to sell their products. The demonstration goes off in a crazy direction, and a funny video suddenly becomes guerrilla marketing.

Promote Your Own Youtube Videos

You can certainly get more hits on Youtube if you’ll promote your videos. Promoting your videos isn’t that hard. First, make sure all of your friends have your Youtube link and ask them to share it with their friends and contacts. Be sure, too, that people with whom you have a working relationship have your link, and encourage them to share it. Do you Tweet? Twitter is super powerful! Tell your followers about your newest video, and ask them to retweet. Post it, also, on other social network sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. Don’t forget, too, to blog about your videos. If you don’t blog, then write an article about the video and post it on forums and in article directories.

Use Email

It may seem like stating the obvious but email your video, or a link to it, to everyone on your contact list. Invite them to share it with all of their contacts, too.

Give, and You Shall Receive

Mom always said that if you want a friend, be a friend. You can get more hits on Youtube by being a good fan of other people.

  • Leave comments on other people’s videos. Just don’t try to sell your video in the process, because people will see right through it.
  • If you want people to subscribe to your videos, subscribe to their videos. It’s not just a trade-off—if they subscribe to your videos, then suddenly, you have access to their entire viewership!
  • You can’t expect other people to rate your videos if you don’t rate theirs.
  • Send friend requests. If you see a video, it’s ok to creep a little bit—see if the poster of the video has a Facebook account, and send a friend request. This will get you involved more with people who will be interested in your subject matter, and increase your own viewership.
  • You can bet that if you make your presence known by being generous to other posters, you’ll start reaping the rewards of more hits on Youtube.

Go Outside of Youtube

As you can see, it doesn’t hurt to go outside of the world of videos to get more hits on Youtube. Employ all of the social networking techniques at your disposal to promote your videos. You don’t have to limit yourself to Youtube. Social networking is the perfect web of contacts that can expand exponentially when you start participating in forums and commenting on posts, videos, and blogs. You can also benefit from putting your video on your website, with links to your playlist included. Google owns Youtube now, and since they now have a vested interest in videos, websites that include videos shoot right to the top of Google rankings.

A video about Youtube Marketing